Tension and Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) are a physical practice that create gentle involuntary movement in the body.  These movements allow the nervous system to calm and settle and have easier access to a sense of peacefulness. When our bodies move into a defensive state, which happens all too often these days, our physiology changes and that defensive state can become our default when it is activated constantly.

TRE is one of the cornerstones that I use to help people recover from chronic health symptoms.  It was central to my own recovery from Lyme
Disease, but I also know that there is no “magic bullet” that works for everyone, so I use a combination of cutting-edge techniques that address the body and mind as a unified system.

I can help if you are experiencing

  • Chronic Pain

  • Long Covid

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME)

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Burnout

  • Panic Attacks

  • Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)

  • Persistent Brain Fog

  • Dysautonomia

The importance of the nervous system

The common thread that unites these symptoms and conditions is that they are associated with dysregulation in the nervous system. This was the skeleton key that unlocked both my own recovery and my understanding of the methods I can use to help others. Constant nervous system issues can lead to a feeling of not being safe inside one’s own body, and the vast majority of people who end up with these symptoms have more sensitive nervous systems than most people. Both our physical and social environments tend to not support this sensitivity, so I will help you to understand how your own system is often being negatively impacted in some very subtle ways and how we can retrain it. Healing your nervous system can bridge the gap between what your experience of the world is and what you’d like it to be